VPOD: Vintage 1950s Pink Slip

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These days a lot of Americans are afraid of receiving a pink slip but not vintage fashionistas!

Now I know that not every woman embraces vintage into her wardrobe. Some people are very turned off by the idea of wearing old or used clothing. So I always consider it a victory when someone is able to open their minds and exercise their fashion muscles. And like so many things in life, it all starts with baby steps.

Maybe someone inherited a piece of jewelry that they start wearing and enjoy. Or a good friend gives them a vintage silk scarf as a gift. Next thing you know, they start looking at old and used clothing a little differently and start thinking, “Why not?” instead of “Why would you?”

And vintage lingerie is another fine way for these vintage virgins to dip their toes into the vintage fashion waters. With vintage lingerie, you can wear vintage on the inside until you’re brave enough to wear vintage on the outside! And there is still plenty of new old stock left on the market which means you can actually wear a “new” item that is several decades old.

Today’s VPOD is a beautiful example that dates from the 1950s. And you have to admit that sleeping in a lovely little slip like this with lace, piping and satin straps feels much more feminine that an old concert tee.

It’s a gorgeous, grown-up find for a vintage fashionista!

Available from Dollhouse Bettie. | Discovered at TheFind.com.

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© Mary Kincaid 2006-2009