
Welcome to ZUBURBIA–the home for all current and future vintage fashionistas!

For years I’ve been buying, wearing and collecting vintage clothing and accessories. Of course, I have a stash of vintage favorites that I’ve kept for myself. The rest have been put up for sale on eBay over the years (I’m a former eBay Powerseller with the eBay ID: zuburbia). I’ve shipped my vintage goodies to fourteen foreign countries and have had them in boutiques in New York, downtown Los Angeles, Studio City, CA and Beverly Hills. In addition, I’ve served as the personal vintage shopper for numerous friends and relatives.

And now, dear friends, I’m going to bring personal vintage shopping to you!

I hope to share tips, hints, info and vintage shopping adventures in addition to bringing you my Vintage Pick of the Day (VPOD)—a vintage item I spied on one of the gazillions of vintage clothing sites that populate the Internet.

Every day I’ll be visiting sites and looking for unique, eye-catching, I-gotta-have-it pieces in all price ranges.

If you’re new to vintage, I hope these items will whet your appetite. If you’re already a vintage lover, perhaps you’ll end up acquiring an item you’ll wear with pride.

Just think of me as your own personal vintage shopper!

CAUTION: I cannot endorse any of the dealers at the sites that have my Vintage Pick-of-the-Day (VPOD) or my eBay Roundup picks–I have no relationship with them at all! (Most of my personal vintage finds come from thrift stores and estate sales.) So as always, buyer beware!

Oh, and it’s not my fault if the item is sold before you get to it. All I can tell you is that at the time the Vintage Pick-of-the-Day (VPOD) or the eBay Roundup pick was posted, the item was still available.

VINTAGE SHOPPING RULE #1: Buy it when you find it!

FREE: Sign up to receive the VIntage Pick-of-the-Day (VPOD) via email with detailed size, price and purchase information not available on here and/or sign up to receive the eBay Roundup of Vintage Clothing Finds by email. Your information will never be sold or shared and you can unsubscribe at any time. Just enter your email below.

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CONTACT ME ANYTIME: 5042 Wilshire Blvd #206, LA, CA 90036 | 310.927.0893 | [email protected]

© Mary Kincaid 2006-2009