VPOD: Vintage 1950s Ceil Chapman Cocktail Dress

vintage 1950s ceil chapman cocktail dress 1 vintage 1950s ceil chapman cocktail dress 3 vintage 1950s ceil chapman cocktail dress 2

vintage 1950s ceil chapman cocktail dress cu

If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again. Fortunately for us, Ceil Chapman took this advice to heart or we would never have today’s breathtaking VPOD.

You see, back in the 1930s, Ceil Chapman opened a dress business with Gloria Vanderbilt and Thelma Furness called “Her Ladyship Gowns.” And like many first businesses, this one failed. But Ceil Chapman picked herself up and dusted herself off and she tried again. By 1940 she was in the ready-to-wear business with her husband and it wasn’t long before she was designing for stage and television.

One glance at today’s gorgeous cocktail dress and it’s easy to see why she became one of Marilyn Monroe’s favorite designers. Just look at the beautiful detailing!

It’s a true masterpiece for a vintage fashionista!

Available at The Goddess Room.

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3 Responses to VPOD: Vintage 1950s Ceil Chapman Cocktail Dress
  1. Mary Young
    May 7, 2011 | 8:35 am

    Back in the day a Tom Rogers worked for my father probably late 1930’s. My father noticed that he wore the same white shirt everyday. My father asked Why? He said it was the only one he had. So the next day my father brought into the office a bunch of his shirts for Tom. Life went on and
    Tom Rogers married Ceil Chapman. Tom never forgot the kindness. Every year a pure silk dress would show up for my mother. Gave my older sister a job. And hand picked mink plets for a mink stole for my mother. Just thought you would like to know…………

  2. Marie Therese Duggan
    July 1, 2010 | 12:59 pm

    Thank you so much for selecting our rare and wonderful Ceil Chapman! It is one of a number we have in our collection at The Goddess Room. This is actually a 2 piece, a cape and spagetti strap dress. The fabric is silk chiffon and silk organza in nude which is so on trend right now. A wonderful wedding set for the modern girl who likes to do things differently! This unique piece will shortly be seen on our website modeled with a pork pie Schiaperelli hat in pink organza and cutout lace for the gamine look!

    We love it and know you will too.

    The Goddess Room


  3. Abi
    June 30, 2010 | 7:24 am

    I love everything about this dress. The colour and the details are beautiful.


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