Category Archives: Outerwear

VPOD: Vintage London Fog Raincoat and Inspiration on the Queen Mary

vintage london fog raincoat

Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week is kicking into gear in New York City but we LA fashionistas will be having a little fun of our own this weekend at the 2nd Annual Vintage & Fashion Americana Event Inspiration. Lincoln Center might have replaced the tents at Bryant Park but Inspiration has an even more unique venue: The Queen Mary!

That’s right. During this two-day show, 120 exhibitors will set-up their vintage and fashion wares on the regal passenger liner which made its maiden voyage in 1936 and is now spending its retirement days as a luxury hotel.

And yes, thinking about the Queen Mary got me in a nautical mood, which explains today’s VPOD.

This vintage 1970s London Fog raincoat infuses jeans and a striped tee with a contemporary nautical vibe.

It’s quite a wardrobe anchor piece for a vintage fashionista!

Available at Leah Loves Vintage. | More Info on Event at

VPOD: Vintage 1980s Ungaro Rabbit Fur and Leather Coat

vintage 1980s ungaro rabbit fur and leather coat vintage 1980s ungaro rabbit fur and leather coat back

vintage 1980s ungaro rabbit fur and leather coat side

When you’ve been in the vintage clothing business as long as I have, it’s inevitable that you will see the same vintage clothing item show up more than once. And it’s always surprising when it does. I often think, “Amazing! I used to own that dress,” or “I remember seeing that dress a few years back in a vintage shop.”

Now certainly the chances of you donning a vintage ready-to-wear item and seeing someone wearing the same piece as you is infinitesimally low. In fact, it will probably never happen during your lifetime!  But it is possible.

Of course, you won’t have that concern with today’s VPOD. This is truly a one-of-a-kind piece that was produced for the Ungaro runway in the 1980s and then was too expensive to put into production.

Created from white rabbit fur and hand-painted leather in an abstract print, this amazing vintage coat features wide lapels that sparkle with iridescent beads and paillettes and a matching belt that extends the theme with fur on one side and leather on the other.

It’s a magnificent find for a vintage fashionista!

Available at Frock NYC.

(To receive the VPOD via email along with detailed size, price and purchase information, sign up for my growing email mailing list here. Your information will never be sold or shared and you can easily unsubscribe at any time.)

VPOD: Vintage 1950s Wool Coat with Fur Trim

vintage 1950s fur trim wool coat


Talk about a loaded three-letter word!

It’s one of those topics like religion and politics that is best avoided at cocktail parties. But it is a topic that deserves conversation.

One such conversation is being hosted on the Huffington Post by Jennifer Grayson, Miss Eco Etiquette. She says:

So my new rule is this: I’m not saying it’s OK to wear fur, but don’t give people the stink-eye for wearing fur if you’re still eating factory-farmed meat. Or driving a car with leather seats. Or wearing Uggs.

I’ve made my fur feelings clear here for many years, but like Jennifer, I grow weary of defending my decision to offer vintage fur to people who are quick to criticize the use of fur in fashion on one hand, while ignoring their own fashion and diet choices that also directly affect animals on the other.

So I offer you today’s VPOD. If you must — MUST — wear fur because you just can’t give it up, then I implore you to choose a vintage version.

This 1950s wool coat with mink trim has plenty of Hollywood elegance and charm.

And it’s a much more eco-friendly choice for a vintage fashionista.

Available at MyAvonlea. | Discovered at

(To receive the VPOD via email along with detailed size, price and purchase information, sign up for my growing email mailing list here. Your information will never be sold or shared and you can easily unsubscribe at any time.)

VPOD: Vintage Leopard Print Nylon Rain Coat

vintage leopard print raincoat

Well, it appears we’ve entered monsoon season out here in LA. It’s been raining cats and dogs all day and it poured cats and dogs all weekend too.

Of course, I’m not the kind of gal who lets a little rain spoil her fun. Since I like to have a glass half-full type of attitude, I just look upon these rainy days as opportunities to break out some stylish rain gear and go splashing around like a kid.

And something like today’s VPOD fits the bill quite nicely. This lightweight nylon vintage jacket has an eye-catching leopard print and looks so stylish you’ll be singing “Rain, Rain, start again” instead of “Rain, rain, go away.”

It’s a fabulous rainy day find for a vintage fashionista!

Available at Ikahn Vintage.

(To receive the VPOD via email along with detailed size, price and purchase information, sign up for my growing email mailing list here. Your information will never be sold or shared and you can easily unsubscribe at any time.)

VPOD: Vintage 1960s Mustard Wool Coat with Fur Cuffs

vintage 1960s vintage mustard coat

vintage 1960s coat sleeve vintage 1960s wool coat three-quarter

Mustard has always been associated with medicinal properties. The ancient Greeks believed it was created as a gift to mankind by Asclepious, a god of healing, and mustard plasters are still used today.

Personally, I’m not a fan of the condiment, which was probably first cooked up by the Romans. But I do love the color of yellow mustard.

It’s a sure-fire way to punch up your home decor or your closet. Of course, not every gal can pull off today’s VPOD.

But if you have light skin and dark hair like this model, this vintage 1960s wool coat and its head-turning shade is a perfect pick. Its mod, minimalist styling looks quite contemporary and clocks in at less than $100!

It’s a perfect fashion accompaniment to a vintage fashionista!.

Available at Mother’s Daughter.

(To receive the VPOD via email along with detailed size, price and purchase information, sign up for my growing email mailing list here. Your information will never be sold or shared and you can easily unsubscribe at any time.)

© Mary Kincaid 2006-2009