Category Archives: upcycled

Etsy Boutique of the Week: Throne Upholstery

throne upholstery upcycled dining chairs

throne upholstery recycled louis xvi chairthrone upholstery recycled coffee sack accent chairthrone upholstery upcycled rococo arm chair

Heather Rudd, owner of Throne Upholstery, is a genius
at breathing new life into vintage and antique chairs.

She’s constantly adding new designs to her shop but
you can also contact her to do a custom order just for you.

Featured items range from $519-$625 for individual chairs up to $3000+ for the dining set.

Available at Throne Upholstery.

(To receive a weekly email with the Etsy Boutique of the Week, join the mailing list here. Your information will never be sold or shared and you can easily unsubscribe at any time.)

VPOD: Peace Love Vintage Recycled Necklace

peace love vintage recycled necklace 2peace love vintage recycled necklace 3 peace love vintage recycled necklace 1

My spirited niece turns 11 years old today. She’s one of those unfortunate Sagitarrians and Capricorns who get jipped on their birthdays. You know what I’m talking about. Birthday presents that come wrapped in leftover holiday paper. Or even worse, “combination” presents that are “for your birthday and ______ (fill in the blank with the appropriate holiday celebration).”

It’s quite sad, really.

But if you happen to have a vintage fashionista celebrating a birthday this time of year, she’ll surely be pleased to receive today’s VPOD.

You can wish her “Peace, Love and Vintage” for the coming year with this charming recycled necklace. I had it commissioned from a talented designer who heat-stamps recycled pieces of silverware.

I love wearing it with my daily “uniform” of jeans, tee and blazer or cardigan. And now it’s available for all of you over at my new storefront on Project Artisan.

It’s a fun little gift for a vintage fashionista (especially if that vintage fashionista is you!)

Available from Zuburbia at Project Artisan.

(To receive the VPOD via email along with detailed size, price and purchase information, sign up for my growing email mailing list here. Your information will never be sold or shared and you can easily unsubscribe at any time.)

VPOD: Vintage Doily Dress and America Recycles Day

vintage doily dress

vintage doily dress 2

Yesterday was America Recycles Day so here’s a little quiz for you:

What percent of our waste doe we recycle in America?
a. 18%
b. 33%
c. 46%
d. 67%

The correct answer is b. We only recycle 33% of our waste in America, and this pitiful amount doesn’t put us anywhere among the leading recycling countries of the world. In fact, we recycle way less than 10% of our plastic and only a little over 20% of our aluminum!

Certainly part of the problem lies in the lack of recycling programs in many communities but mostly, I think, recycling is a mindset that begins with the original purchase.

For instance, before I buy anything now I find myself paying more attention to the packaging that was used, whether the item is made from recycled materials and if the item is made from recyclable materials.

But the recycling mindset is also a creative one. Before tossing anything in the trash to live out its remaining useful life in a landfill, ask yourself two questions:

1) Is there any other way I can use this?real simple 869 uses for old things

(And you can get plenty of ideas from Real Simple’s 869 Uses for Old Things)

2) Is there anyone else out there who may want this?

Places like Craigslist show plenty of want ads by artists and designers who are looking for everything from old glassware and china to old magazines to outdated electronics to complete their projects.

And don’t be surprised if you take on a recycling mindset and soon find yourself coming up with all sorts of creative ideas on your own. Take today’s VPOD for instance.

This unique creation takes old-fashioned vintage doilies and turns them into a very contemporary fashion statement.

It’s a lovely recycled find for a vintage fashionista!

Available at Amour sans Anguish.

VPOD: Vintage 1940s Hermes Blazer

vintage 1940s hermes blazer

vintage 1940s hermes blazer back viewvintage 1940s hermes blazer back view 2

The first thing that comes to mind when I hear Hermes is scarves and handbags, so if you had shown me a picture of today’s VPOD and asked me to name the label, well, Hermes wouldn’t be the first one to come to mind. But this vintage 1940s blazer does indeed bear an Hermes Sport label.

And while I initially thought that this blazer was adorable from the front, let’s just say that I squealed with delight when I spied what they did with the back. While I’m sure this unusual back cutaway was a practical design choice decades ago (that just served to make cycling or riding easier), today it’s simply a striking and pleasantly unexpected surprise.

Of course, if the near $3500 price tag keeps you from snagging this little beauty for yourself, I’m sure a skilled tailor could manage something similar with one of your old blazers for a mere smidgen of the cost. I think it’s a smashing upcycled vintage idea, don’t you?

And that makes it an inspiring find for a vintage fashionista!

Available at Vintage Academe.

(To receive the VPOD via email with detailed size, price and purchase information, sign up for my growing email mailing list here. Your information will never be sold or shared and you can easily unsubscribe at any time. | Disclosure: Zuburbia is an Amazon Associate.)

© Mary Kincaid 2006-2009