Category Archives: Separates

VPOD: Vintage 1970s Suede Skirt and Being On the Fringe

vintage 1970s suede fringe skirt

When we talk about someone who’s “on the fringe,” we’re referring to someone far out there near the very edge, on the periphery. Maybe they’re on the fringe of a personal breakthrough, on the fringe of stardom, on the fringe of madness, or on the fringe of a world-changing idea or scientific discovery.

But being on the fringe can be a very lonely, scary and uncomfortable place. By definition, “fringe” ideas—in science, art, fashion, education, politics, or anything else—have yet to be accepted by the masses.

And have you noticed that the good folks with the most innovative ideas, the inventors delivering technological disruptions that completely change our lives and the people that we like to call geniuses, all tend to live closer to the fringe than to 123 Main Street?

That’s why I like to pay attention to people on the fringe and what they’re talking about. Their wacky, crazy ideas often described as “out there” might seem to have no place in our current world but are often the very ideas that we all end up embracing years down the road.

It’s their ideas that often end up changing art. Or changing fashion. Or changing our lives.

And this season, loads of fashionistas have their attention on the fringe, too—but specifically the kind of fringe that you’ll find on today’s VPOD.

This vintage 1970s suede skirt is perfect for the ’70s revival vibe we’re seeing this fall.

And it’s a fab little fringe-y find for a Vintage Crusader!

Available at Time’s Up Vintage.

(To receive the VPOD free via email with detailed size and price information, sign up for the growing email mailing list here. Your information will never be sold or shared and you can easily unsubscribe at any time.)

VPOD HI/LO: Code Red for Fall

vintage 1970s zandra rhodes evening shrug vintage 1950s cashmere embroidered sweater

Two different looks. Two very different price tags.

Can you guess which item is 4x more expensive? (Almost $600 vs $150?)

Fashion’s calling a Code Red this fall and I just want to remind everyone that you can incorporate this blazing trend—or any trend for that matter—with vintage pieces at all different price points.(Of course, this assumes you want to follow a trend in the first place.)

One of these lovely pieces bears the label of a famous fashion designer. The other has a label that may be familiar to die-hard vintage fashionistas but certainly isn’t a household name.

Yet they both pack a powerful style punch in very different ways.

Confused? Still not sure of the HI and the LO? The answer is buried in the small print below.

But either one is a fabulous choice for a Vintage Crusader!

Both available at Vintage Couture.

(To receive the VPOD free via email with detailed size and price information, sign up for the growing email mailing list here. Your information will never be sold or shared and you can easily unsubscribe at any time. | HI – Vintage Evening Shrug by Zandra Rhodes LO – Embroidered Cashmere Sweater by Doreen)

VPOD: Vintage Ossie Clark Blouse and Why Fashionistas Should Think Like Chefs

vintage ossice clark blouse

Perhaps you’ve heard of Eric Ripert, famed chef and co-owner of Le Bernardin, which just happens to be ranked 18 on S. Pellegrino’s World’s 50 Best Restaurant’s list.

Or perhaps you’ve seen him on one of his appearances as a guest judge on Bravo’s Top Chef or hosting his own PBS series Avec Eric.

Or perhaps one of his four cookbooks is sitting on your kitchen bookshelf right now.

Well, I happened to read an old interview with him recently from Food & Wine magazine and this Emmy and James Beard award-winner, who also happens to be the recipient of France’s Legion d’Honneur, shared some food wisdom that has particular relevance for us Vintage Crusaders.

In the interview he was asked to elaborate on a statement he once made where he claimed “to cook for the food, not with the food.”

And in explaining the distinction, he compared chefs to jewelers saying the fish is the diamond and a chef’s job is to find the right cut and the right setting for it.

He further explained that “to elevate the flavor of the fish, I will probably add fewer ingredients, but the right ingredients.”

And  I immediately saw how applying these principles could elevate a gal from a mere one star to a coveted five stars rating in an imaginary Zagat Guide for dress.

Because isn’t our job simple?

First, we need to be honest about the shape of our bodies and learn how to play up our assets and minimize our deficiencies by choosing the right cuts with the right proportions for us. Even if that sometimes means shunning our favorite silhouettes from the current runway trends.

We also need to have an awareness of what’s appropriate to wear where and opt to wear clothes in the right setting. Even if that sometimes means waiting patiently for the proper social invite to debut a new outfit.

Plus we need to recognize that just like the finest cooking, the finest dressing is about choosing the best quality ingredients and learning how to make them work together so that no one flavor overpowers. So that the flavorings (accessories) enhance the main dish and bring out its best features. So that the final dish (the whole outfit) is greater than the sum of its ingredients.

Finally we need to recognize that less is very often more. That choosing fewer pieces for our closets but choosing each of these pieces with greater awareness can lead to a more cohesive wardrobe and a stronger sense of personal style.

Yesterday I shopped at my local farmer’s market and roasted fresh vegetables for dinner with just high quality olive oil and sea salt to accompany them. It’s probably one of my favorite meals — pure and delicious.

Likewise, sometimes our style can be pure and delicious without any fancy accompaniments.

Take today’s VPOD for instance.

This vintage Ossie Clark blouse is pretty and feminine and completely stylish all by itself.

And so you see how thinking like a chef can help you dress like a Vintage Crusader!

Available at Resurrection Vintage.

VPOD: Vintage 1970s Trigere Set and The Great Outdoors

vintage 1970s trigere set a

vintaeg 1970s trigere set

This is it. In just a few short weeks children from across the country will wave goodbye to their summer vacations and head back to school.

Do you remember trying to squeeze every last drop of summer fun out of those last few days of August when you were a kid?

I sure do!

My sister and I would tear through the front door in the morning and, except for a short lunch break, we’d be gone, gone, GONE the entire day.

Bike riding, skateboarding, tennis, exploring the woods near our house, running around in massive neighborhood-wide Kick-the-Can marathons.

And when I got tired of all that activity, I’d grab a book and a blanket and claim a shady spot where I could escape to anywhere in the world.

So you can imagine my dismay to learn that, according to the Bureau of Land Management, children today are only spending 30 minutes of unsupervised time outdoors PER WEEK!

In fact, the average American child can identify 1,000 corporate logos but cannot identify a mere 10 plants or animals native to their region.

I can just see Mother Nature with a tear running down her cheek at this news, much like Iron Eyes Cody in Keep America Beautiful’s famous “Crying Indian” pollution campaign of the 1970s.

How can we possibly expect our children to take up stewardship of the planet if the only water they see comes from a faucet, if they can’t identify vegetables grown in a neighbor’s garden, if their most recent interaction with wildlife was through a TV screen and if their idea of the ocean includes a ridiculous sponge wearing pants?

But before pointing fingers of blame at the media or the video game industry for our youth’s horrifying lack of inactivity, let’s remember pointing two fingers in that direction still leaves a few fingers pointing back at you and me.

When was the last time you felt grass or sand squishing between your toes?

Did you enjoy your lunch in a park or did you immerse yourself in the hustle and bustle of a busy fast-food restaurant every day this week?

Did you jog or walk around your neighborhood or did you instead do two miles on a treadmill while watching your favorite sitcom?

Certainly with our crazy-busy lives it’s easy to become disconnected from our natural environments. But this disconnection is dangerous because it makes it easy to forget that we humans have a direct impact on that environment.

Clean air, clean water, natural resources, other species…we need them all to continue to survive on this planet.

So if you have kids, muster up your parental backbone and unplug the electronics for these remaining days of summer. Heck, unplug YOURSELF this weekend and see if you don’t face Monday morning feeling more calm and centered after soaking in some sunshine and taking out your earbuds so you can hear the birds.

After all, if you can look at a handbag and identify the LV logo as belonging to Louis Vuitton then you should be able to look at the gorgeous print on this vintage 1970s Trigere blouse and skirt set and recognize the plants as tulips.

Remember: Honoring and enjoying nature is a vital element to becoming a Vintage Crusader!

Available at Shrimpton Couture.

(To receive the VPOD free via email with detailed size and price information, sign up for the growing email mailing list here. Your information will never be sold or shared and you can easily unsubscribe at any time.)

VPOD: Vintage 1940s Magic Carpet Blouse

vintage 1940s magic carpet blouse

vintage 1940s magic carpet blouse closeup

Do you believe in magic?

Not the sleight of hand magic where coins disappear behind ears and pop out of noses or where ladies are sawed in half. I’m talking about the magic of life.

Are you still able to feel a sense of wonder when you see a butterfly or admire the perfection of a rose?

Are you able to feel enchantment when you meet just the right person at just the right time?

Are you fascinated by things like Masaru Emoto’s pictures of water crystals or how that one part in your favorite symphony still makes you tear up every single time?

If you’re the kind of person who isn’t afraid to wonder if perhaps there are greater and grander forces in the universe that we have yet to discover, then you will be delighted with today’s VPOD and it’s whimsical depiction of a bearded man sailing along on his flying carpet over minarets.

This vintage 1940s beaded blouse is a perfect example of why I find vintage clothing so magical.

And it can easily put a spell on any vintage fashionista!

Available at Merchant Archive. | Discovered at

(To receive the VPOD via email along with detailed size, price and purchase information, sign up for my growing email mailing list here. Your information will never be sold or shared and you can easily unsubscribe at any time.)

© Mary Kincaid 2006-2009