VPOD: Inquisitive vs Acquisitive and a Vintage 1960s Holt Renfrew Silk Coat

vintage 1960s holt renfrew silk dress coat

Let’s face it. We live in a consumer culture where we are bombarded by messages that try to convince us that we need another doodad, an improved something-or-other, a better whatchamacallit or the latest thingamajig if we ever want to be truly happy, content, or satisfied.

But being acquisitive isn’t the way to inner peace.

As soon as you do finally get whatever is was you were hankering for — a new car, a bigger house, that vacation to Hawaii, the new It bag — you’re bound to begin hankering for something else.

And any of those things you work so hard to acquire can literally be swept away in a heartbeat — as was so painfully proved with the Midwest tornadoes last week.

So I say it’s far smarter to be inquisitive.

To spend your time questioning, learning, relating, and gathering up as much knowledge, insight and wisdom as one person can possibly hold. To be curious. To be interested in other points of view. To collect ideas instead of objects.

This too will be a lifelong quest. After all, there will always be something more to learn.

But unlike the quest for more and more shoes, the practice of being inquisitive instead of acquisitive actually makes you a better person.

Which isn’t to say a gal has to resist every call from the online mall!

Today’s vintage 1960s silk coat from Holt Renfrew makes a lovely and glamorous Spring accessory for the inquiring mind of a Vintage Crusader.

Available at Mod-Chic Vintage.

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