VPOD: Exclamation Points, Joy and A Punctuated Vintage Dress

vintage 1950s exclamation point dress

vintage 1950s exclamation point dress 2

When it comes to punctuation marks, exclamation points are definitely my favorite.

I mean, commas and periods don’t strike me as particularly special. They’re just utilitarian and necessary.

Semi-colons and colons often leave me befuddled.

And while I do deliberately use a lot of question marks (which definitely come in a strong second), I still hope that when the tally is taken upon my final breath that I will have lived a life with far more exclamation points than the average gal.

Now all of us use punctuation marks as we’re creating and living our life stories, but most people limit exclamation points to the Big Moments: graduations, weddings, births, dream jobs, dream houses, long sought-after awards.

Somehow, though, I’ll bet that the guys and gals who go through life with the biggest smiles on their faces are the ones who have figured out how to add exclamation points to all their not-so-special days, too.

I mean, there’s a huge difference between

Off to work.


Off to work!

And while you might envy actors who are able to recite lines that have punctuation marks added in all the appropriate spots, don’t you prefer being able to PLACE THE EXCLAMATION POINTS IN YOUR OWN LIFE STORY WHEREVER YOU PLEASE?

One theory suggests that the origin of the exclamation point comes from the Latin word for joy, IO, and that the exclamation point was born when someone wrote the “O” underneath the “I”.

So just think of every exclamation point that you can add to your life story as adding an extra helping of joy.

You can think

Time to do the laundry.


Time(!) to do the laundry.


Time to do the laundry!

It’s really up to you.

Of course, you can also add quite a few exclamation points quite easily with today’s VPOD, an amazing 1950s dress that is punctuated all over with these joyous symbols.

It’s a fabulous style exclamation for a Vintage Crusader!

Available at Coldfish Vintage.

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