VPOD: Vintage 1970s Halter Dress and Rethinking Leftovers

vintage 1970s halter dress

Leftovers again?!

I clearly remember how my sister and I would whine about leftovers when we were growing up because not a morsel of food was ever wasted in our house!

And I thought this weekend after Thanksgiving might be a fine time to re-think leftovers from a more mature point of view.

According to WastedFood, Americans waste as much as half the food produced each year. That’s over 100 billion pounds a year, enough to fill a football stadium every single day!

When you read statistics like this, you realize how ridiculous and sad it is that anyone in our country should be going to bed hungry.

And our propensity for leftovers isn’t limited to food. It applies to clothing, too.

According to Eartheasy, 12 million tons of textile waste is generated in North America every year. That amounts to about 68 pounds per household, 90% of which could be recycled.

And then there’s the growing tsunami of e-waste.

The International Association of Electronics Recyclers has projected that as we upgrade and replace our cell phones, computers, televisions, DVDs and video game systems, about 3 BILLION electronic units will be scrapped in the next decade.

The solution?

Well, unlike leftovers from the Thanksgiving table which will hopefully be consumed by the end of the weekend, these clothing and electronic leftover problems can be helped by shifting our focus downstream.

In other words, consider buying used whenever possible to extend the life cycle of items.

It’s definitely something I’ve been embracing more and more.

My car? Used.
My scanner? Used.
My camera? Used.
My steamer? Used.
My leather jacket? Used.

I think there’s often an association that used somehow means inferior but sometimes these “used” items are hardly used at all. And, often, what’s obsolete for one user is actually an upgrade for someone else.

So with your own used items, instead of simply taking the easy way out and throwing them in the trash, consider disposing of them downstream, too.

A computer that’s too sluggish for you may be a real lifesaver for a college student who needs a reliable word processor to format his papers.

A soldier overseas would love if you’d donate your old cellphone to Cell Phones for Soldiers so they can recycle it properly and convert it into a calling card for him to use.

A teenage girl would be oh-so-grateful if you’d send that bridesmaid dress you’ll never wear again to Donate My Dress so she has something to wear to her prom.

And many nursing homes and assisted living facilities would be happy to welcome your gift of gently used books and magazines.

Of course, thoughtfulness and consciousness during the purchase process are equally important.

*Will your child really benefit from ANOTHER plastic doodad or stuffed animal?
*Do you really need ANOTHER black skirt to hang next to the three already in your closet?
*Could you BORROW a drill from a friend to hang your pictures instead of purchasing one that you won’t use again for three years?

Given similar price and quality, wouldn’t you PREFER to purchase an item that takes sustainability into account?

Perhaps that’s why I love vintage clothing so much. It’s not only good for our pocketbooks but it’s good for the environment.

As vintage fashionistas, we already have a preservationist spirit. The thought of these beautiful garments landing in landfills makes us C-R-A-Z-Y! Let’s face it, we love LEFTOVERS when it comes to clothing. So just imagine what we can do together for our communities and our planet if we apply that spirit to other areas of our lives!

That’s why I’m working on a course that I’ll be offering in 2012 called 30 DAYS TO A GREENER LIFE. And I do hope you’ll join me!

Buying great vintage dresses like today’s VPOD will be just one of the many simple and easy suggestions. This vintage 1970s halter dress is a colorful addition to your closet. It’s offered by one of my favorite vintage shopping haunts here in LA which has finally opened an online boutique.

And it’s full of fabulous leftovers just like this for stylish Vintage Crusaders!

Available at Wasteland.

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© Mary Kincaid 2006-2009