VPOD: Vintage 1920s Beaded Cotton Coat

vintage 1920s beaded Cotton Coatvintage 1920s beaded Cotton Coat sidevintage 1920s beaded Cotton Coat rear

I love the idea of heirlooms, those items holding special meaning to a person or family that are handed down from one generation to another.

And especially today, in our throwaway electronic world, heirlooms that are well-cared for and treasured through generations are both rare and valuable.

Whether they’re passed on at an important life milestone like a birth, death, or wedding, or simply kept in a family without any pomp or circumstance, heirlooms are always viewed as much more than pretty objects because they tingle with the love and energy of our loved ones.

Of course, not all of us have inherited grandma’s wedding ring or Uncle Henry’s pocketwatch. You may not have been the child entrusted with Aunt Harriet’s mink or the Finkle Family Bible. Perhaps you don’t even know your family history.

Well, fret not, dear friends. Anyone can embrace the heirloom spirit and birth a new heirloom at any time. Just find something you truly love, treasure it, then pass it on.

Today’s VPOD is a perfect example.  This magnificent beaded cotton coat from the 1920s has been lovingly cared for and yet somehow got separated from its original family. Why not adopt it and make it part of your family’s history?

It’s tomorrow’s heirloom for today’s vintage fashionista!

Available at Katy Kane.
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© Mary Kincaid 2006-2009