VPOD: Vintage 1980s Wool and Suede Cape

vintage 1980s wool and leather cape

I’m at the University of Berkeley this entire week for a speaking gig and it’s freezing! I guess I’m one of those weather wimps from southern California now because even though the digital temperature reads 68 degrees, the bitter, damp chill feels more like 40 degrees to me.

And as my teeth chattered and I watched all the college co-eds scurry to their classes this morning, I couldn’t help but wish I had packed a Fall beauty like today’s VPOD.

This vintage 1980s charcoal grey cape with black suede appliques would be oh-so-hip with leggings but quite professional with black trousers. And it looks like it could head-off those biting headwinds and keep a heat-challenged gal like me toasty warm with plenty of style.

It’s a fine Fall find for a vintage fashionista!

Available at Allen Company Inc.

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