While I’m sure there are far more important resolutions on your list for 2010, here a few fashion resolutions for you to consider…
1. I will think Quality, not Quantity.
This year invest in quality, because less can definitely be more. Sure, it means you’ll probably end up purchasing fewer pieces, but those pieces will serve you for years. This is especially important for classic items that never go out of style: a black skirt, a cashmere sweater, a pair of wool trousers.
2. I will make friends with a Tailor.
Without a tailor, it’s practically impossible to have clothes that fit properly. And fit is critical to having your clothes look great. Very often, if you tailor an outfit to fit, you will suddenly fall in love with it all over again. Tailors are also able to reinvent tired ol’ pieces with their sewing magic. They can shorten a dress, change the buttons on a jacket, or even add grommets near the hem of a coat.
3. I will not be a label snob.
Label snobs miss out on all the wonderful items from the Land of Lost Labels and all the wonderful pieces made by talented seamstresses who never had their own lines sold department stores. Besides, even the best designers put out some not so fabulous pieces over the years. Seek out quality and timeless style first, then take a peek at a label.
4. I will choose more organic and natural fabrics.
Even die-hard vintage fashionistas don’t wear all vintage every day. But regular cotton production accounts for 25% of the world’s total pesticide use, and oil is used to produce most synthetic fibers. There’s a huge green payoff for Mother Nature when you support manufacturers who use organic and natural fibers, so consider this the next time you shop for contemporary clothing.
5. I will shower my wardrobe with TLC.
Treat you clothes well and they’ll return the love for years to come. That means hanging them on the proper type of hangars, cleaning wool and cashmere before storing for the summer and cushioning with tissue-paper when necessary. And it’s worth the investment in archival boxes for your most valuable vintage items.
6. I will dry-clean less and hand wash more.
Unless a label says “Dry clean ONLY” chances are you can gently hand-wash it in a product like Eucalan. For those items that must be dry cleaned, choose an eco-friendly process.
According to the Center for Energy and Climate Solutions, shipping ten pounds of packages by overnight air uses 40 percent less fuel than driving yourself round-trip to a local store. And your carbon footprint will be even less if you use ground shipping or the USPS which is already stopping at your home everyday.
8. I will donate, not trash, used clothing.
Someone is sending those 7 million tons of clothes and shoes to landfills each year. Don’t let it be you. Even if your clothes aren’t in tip-top condition, many charities will take items that never make it to their store floors and sell them to rag houses.
9. I will not wear vintage from head-to-toe.
The most stylish women today are the ones with a knack for mixing high-end with low-end, vintage with contemporary. Get inspiration by paging through magazines to find a look you like and then replace one piece of the ensemble with a similar vintage item. You’ll never have to worry that your look is more costume than chic.
10. I will dress not to IMpress, but to EXpress my authentic self.
Developing a personal style that reflects your true authentic self will have you looking good and feeling good, and that confidence will shine forth for all to see.
Best wishes for a fabulous and fashionable 2010 everyone!
Big fan of this site, a bunch of your posts have really helped me out. Looking forward to updates!
AMEN to that! Rules to live by!
Nice blog and fashion resolutions. Happy New Year.