Category Archives: Pantsuit

VPOD: Vintage 1960s Harrods Fringe Top and Trousers

vintage 1960s harrods white fringe top and trousers 2

One of my absolute favorite fashion blogs is Advanced Style by Ari Cohen, which “provides proof from the wise and silver-haired set that personal style advances with age.”

Ari roams the streets of New York in search of stylish female elders and boy-oh-boy, these ladies know how to dress!

Now you all know how much I believe in dressing with authentic style. And in order to embrace your authentic style you absolutely must know yourself inside and out, backwards and forwards, upside and down.  And don’t we all become just a little better at knowing ourselves and a little braver at sharing ourselves with each passing year?

Well, the women profiled by Ari are pros at expressing their authentic style and proof positive that style can and does advance with age.

And when you read their profiles over time you’ll begin to notice recurring themes among the tidbits of wisdom they share like:

* an emphasis on quality over quantity
* a desire to be unique
* a belief that both aging and style are a state of mind

Plus these wise women are well aware that certain pieces transcend both age and time and can be worn by young and old alike. Pieces like today’s VPOD.

This vintage 1960s top and trousers from Harrods is a unique way to combine two of this season’s trends: the little white dress and fringe.

And it’s a fashionable choice for any age vintage fashionista!

Available at Vintage Seekers.

(To receive the VPOD via email along with detailed size, price and purchase information, sign up for my growing email mailing list here. Your information will never be sold or shared and you can easily unsubscribe at any time.)

VPOD: Vintage 1960s Suited Up Calvin Klein

Political pundits, journalists and comedians alike have all given Hilary Clinton grief over her collection of power pantsuits. And yet Yves Saint Laurent, foretelling women’s future economic freedom, was hailed as a visionary when he first introduced this look in the 1960s.

Personally I love pantsuits–and you needn’t fear looking like the female version of Gordon Gekko if you add them to your wardrobe. Just think outside the box a bit and you can wear them plenty of places besides the boardroom.

Just look at today’s VPOD. This 1970s Calvin Klein pantsuit in charcoal grey wool looks very hip with a jaunty cap, leather gloves and boots.

It’s a chic way to get suited up for a vintage fashionista!

Available at The Urban Collection.

(To receive the VPOD via email with detailed size, price and purchase information, sign up for my growing email mailing list here. Your information will never be sold or shared and you can unsubscribe at any time.)

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