Lovin’ It: The Peacecord Bracelet

peacecord bracelet

I’m just lovin’ these cool new Peacecord Bracelets.

Yes, they’re handmade in Afghanistan, but before you get all worked up about how you only buy goods Made in the Good ol’ U-S-of-A, check this out.

That’s military-grade parachute cord and uniform buttons you’re looking at.

Profits go to US troops to support their humanitarian projects in Afghan communities. (Think shoes, food and schoolbooks.)

Plus the production of the bracelets helps impoverished Afghan women to gain access to education and health care.

And did I mention you get all this style for a mere $15?

Sounds like a win-win-win to me!

And that’s the best kind of shopping of all.

Grab yours at Uncommon Goods.

(Disclosure: Zuburbia is an affilate of Uncommon Goods. )

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