VPOD: VIPs and a Vintage Moschino Cocktail Dress

vintage mochino vip cocktail dress

vintage moschino vip cocktail dress close-up

Today’s media world allows anyone to be a celebrity and makes it easier than ever to claim your 15 minutes of fame.

But have you ever noticed that often the people who deserve the most attention are hiding from the limelight while those clamoring for the spotlight often have very little of value to add to the mix?

In the good ol’ days, VIP status was earned through hard work and significant contributions to society but today you can simply rent your own paparazzi!

It’s been my experience, however, that the need to be treated like a VIP is often inversely proportional to a person’s self-esteem.

When you know you’re a VIP on the inside, you’re not so concerned with being treated like a VIP on the outside.

And it isn’t just celebrities who want VIP treatment.

I recently read about a fashion blogger whose agent demanded a hefty speaking fee plus first-class air travel and hotel and myriad other perks in order for her VIP client to attend a large conference.

The result? The conference organizers booked another not-so-VIP-obsessed blogger instead.

Here’s the thing.

I’ve been fortunate to meet some real VIPs this year, amazing men and women who are making significant contributions to society. And you know what?

None of them could care less about whether they get the best table at a restaurant or how many Facebook or Twitter followers they have. They’ll gladly give up their First Class seat to a soldier returning from overseas. And they recognize that how you treat anyone is how you treat everyone.

They’re not about hype. They’re about truth.

They’re VIPS because of what they contribute, not because everyone knows their name.

And when you know you’re making a meaningful contribution to your family or your work or your community, when you know that just being alive in this world matters, and when you have a mission or a cause that goes beyond you, then whether someone else treats you like a VIP won’t make much difference.

And please remember that every single one of you is a VIP to someone. Right now. Today. Even if there aren’t paparazzi outside your front door.

Now check out today’s VPOD.

This vintage 1990s Moschino little black cocktail dress is a fun tongue-in-cheek way to announce your VIP status to the world.

It’s a fabulous vintage find for a Vintage Crusader!

Available at Swank Vintage.

(To receive the VPOD via email along with detailed size, price and purchase information, sign up for my growing email mailing list here. Your information will never be sold or shared and you can easily unsubscribe at any time.)

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© Mary Kincaid 2006-2009