VPOD: An Occasional Frill and a Vintage 1960s Slip

vintage 1960s nightgown

“Too much practical lingerie makes a dull woman.
An occasional frill is good for the soul.”
-1932 issue of
Vogue magazine

This quote appeared in Vogue during one of the two worst years of the Great Depression.

It reminded women that even though times were austere, it didn’t mean that THEY had to become austere. It suggested that even in the worst of times, it was still a good idea to find some “frills.”

Today, as we modern women face rising gas prices and health care costs and continue to cut back and conserve and stretch our dollars a wee bit further, it’s important that we also find some “frills” and not completely cut ourselves off from the little luxuries that nurture our souls.


Because every time we do splurge on a decadent piece of gourmet chocolate instead of a bargain-priced candy bar or one pair of thick woolen socks rather than a pack with three thin pair for the same price, we’re sending a message to the Universe that says:

Hey, look at me!  I’m worth it and I know it!  I deserve this good stuff so send more my way.

Now I’m not suggesting you take this to the extreme. We all have budgets and we need to live within them. So no refinancing your mortgage to snag an Hermes bag!

But ask yourself what you can do today to feel just a little more abundant.

For instance, I’m traveling to NYC in April for a conference and I just discovered that I can take a car service from the airport for the same price as a cab!

Hmmm, let’s see. Which would make me feel more abundant?

Standing in the taxi queue for twenty minutes or being greeted by a polite uniformed driver who leads me to a town car?

It’s definitely a no-brainer.

And here’s another simple way to add “the occasional frill” that Vogue spoke about.

Use your good stuff.

That’s right. Pull out your fine china and silverware. Sport your best jewelry. Don the dress you’ve been afraid to wear because it might get ruined at the office.

Start using all the good stuff you usually hold back for special occasions. Enjoy’em right now. Today. What are you waiting for?

And remember ladies.

Feeling abundant has very little to do with the balance in your bank account.

A few years ago I posted the smallest gross income on my tax return since I got out of college but I never felt richer. Why? Because it was the first year I earned my money doing EXACTLY what I wanted to be doing.

Of course, if you prefer, you can also take Vogue‘s advice literally and just grab today’s VPOD.

This lovely piece of lingerie from the 1960s can be worn as either a slip or a nightgown.

It’s one of those occasional frills that is good for the soul of a Vintage Crusader.

Available at Market Publique.

(To receive the VPOD via email along with detailed size, price and purchase information, sign up for my growing email mailing list here. Your information will never be sold or shared and you can easily unsubscribe at any time.)

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© Mary Kincaid 2006-2009