VPOD: Vintage 1960s Satin Wallet and Everyday Beauty

vintage 1960s italian silk wallet

World-renowned designer Karim Rashid shared his philosophy with House Beautiful in 2005:

“People touch on average, about 500 objects a day—opening a door, drinking from a glass, answering the phone. Why shouldn’t each of them be beautiful?”

Yes, why not???

If looking at beauty brings you joy—which it certainly does for most people—then why not fill your life with more beauty and joy?

As more and more designers turn their attention to banal everyday objects like scissors, soap dispensers, and toothbrushes, there are more and more opportunities for us to find moments of pleasure from the everyday objects we interact with daily.

But let’s be clear. I’m not suggesting that you run out and replace as many objects as possible with more beautifully designed versions. That is definitely not the way to stay on Mother Nature’s good side!

What I am suggesting is that as you gradually supplant the old and worn-out objects in your life with new ones, you may want to consider how much joy you’ll derive from the beauty and design of those objects and choose accordingly. The few extra dollars you spend on an object that provides the function you need while also making your heart sing will always be money well-spent.

Consider how many times you rest your head on your sheets. Or take out our wallet. Or brush your teeth. Or sip from your coffee mug.

Now consider how much joy you’d feel if each and every one of these frequently used items was an item that you truly loved. That made you squeal with delight every time you interacted with it.

Wouldn’t life be just a tad bit sweeter if these everyday objects could bring you just a tad more joy?

So while I’m not quite ready to recycle my old wallet just yet, when I do, I’ll hunt for one that will make me smile every time I open it. One that is perhaps as beautiful as today’s VPOD.

This vintage 1960s Italian satin wallet is a true work of art.

And it’s a fine example of everyday beauty that’s just perfect for a Vintage Crusader.

Available at SwaneeGRACE.

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© Mary Kincaid 2006-2009