VPOD: Vintage 1970s Eve Stillman Nightgown and Seven Hours of Sleep

vintage 1970s eve stillman floral nightgown

I’m baaaack!

I know I seemed to drop of the planet for a few days. I left LA last Wednesday to attend a seminar near San Francisco. Then on Sunday morning I felt a cold coming on so I decided to take yesterday off as well. I seldom succumb to colds and I blame this one on my lack of sleep during the conference plus the exposure to 500+ strangers. But mostly on the lack of sleep.

As someone who went through a good portion of my life as a working mother who was totally sleep-deprived, happy to get to bed by 1 am and waking to an alarm set for 5:30 am, one of the greatest pleasures of my current solopreneur lifestyle is an almost complete independence from an alarm clock.

And while I’ve always intuitively known that more sleep is good for you, during this seminar I had the great pleasure of hearing a presentation by Daniel Amen, renowned brain imaging specialist and author of 28 books including Change Your Brain, Change Your Life. He made it crystal clear that one of the very best things you can do for your health, particularly your brain health, is to make sure you get at least seven hours of sleep a night.

How many?!

That’s right. For optimum brain health, which impacts every decision you make on a daily basis, you need at least seven and preferably eight hours of sleep a night.

And most American women fall far, FAR short of that.

This amount of sleep is so important that Dr. Amen even suggested that companies hiring employees should ask applicants how many hours they sleep a night and if they respond with less than seven then they should pass on that applicant. Why? Because employees who sleep less than seven hours a night make more mistakes on the job.

So tonight you may want to lower the lights, pour yourself a cup of herbal tea, slip into today’s VPOD, a dreamy vintage 1970s nightgown by Eve Stillman, and retire just a bit earlier than your norm.

It’s a sure-fire way to pamper the brain of a Vintage Crusader!

Available at Posh Vintage.

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