VPOD: Vintage Pierre Cardin Dress and Makeunders

vintage pierre cardin space age dress

We women love our makeovers, don’t we?

They’re a regular feature in monthly fashion magazines, there are entire shows on cable TV dedicated to them and contests featuring makeovers draw thousands of entries.

But lately I’ve been thinking a lot more about Makeunders.

You see, I celebrated a birthday this past week.

And while you young’uns may be able to pull off electric blue eyeshadow and bangle bracelets strung from your wrists to your elbows, I ‘m approaching that time in my style life when less can definitely be more.

Now I certainly believe you can be hip at any age, but if an aging gal doesn’t understand the concept of a Makeunder, she risks dressing like one of those women who just can’t seem to accept the number of candles appearing on her birthday cake.

After all, there’s a huge difference between wearing shorter skirts as you age and wearing micro-minis. Or copying the look of that 20-something actress in US Weekly and piling on so many chain necklaces that you just look ridiculous. Plus there are all those bumps and bulges resulting from three babies and no full-time trainer that can never again be friends with skin-tight dresses.

But I say rejoice! When your makeover days are over, that’s when you can fully embrace the Makeunder.

You see, as your wisdom and inner beauty grows, I believe that you need the trappings of the fashion and beauty industry less and less.

I so admire the older women I meet who glow from the inside. They’re still stylish, yes, but they’re comfortable in what they’re wearing, they’re not trying to impress anybody, they’re makeup is light and subdued and yet their sense of THEM screams loud and clear.

They’ve mastered the art of the Makeunder.

They’re reached that sweet spot of balance between enhancing your looks with makeup and clothes and accessories without detracting from your strong sense of Self and what works and doesn’t work for you.

There isn’t a TV show, a magazine, a stylst or a makeup artist who will convince them that something that doesn’t FEEL right for them can ever BE right for them.

And that, my friends, is true Style POWER.

And when you have it, you’ll want to wear clothes that reflect it.

Today’s VPOD would be a fine choice. This sleek space age vintage dress by Pierre Cardin makes simplicity oh-so-chic.

It’s a perfect Makeunder find for a Vintage Crusader.

Available at Things of Splendor.

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© Mary Kincaid 2006-2009