VPOD: Antique Celluloid Necklace and Silhouettes

vintage antique celluloid silhouette necklace detail

silhouettes america's got talent finals

I spoke with my mom and dad yesterday and they asked me if I was going to watch the finals of America’s Got Talent.

Now I have to admit that this show isn’t even on my radar. And with those 28(!) open projects on my Master List that I told you about on Monday, you can bet I don’t spend much time watching TV.

But my parents raved and RAVED about their favorite act, Slihouettes, so I decided to check’em out on Youtube.

And WOW!

As a former dancer and someone who’s choreographed a show or two in my day, I was thoroughly entertained and impressed by the creative spectacle. As a member of the human race, I was truly inspired.

The group is from Denver, Colorado and is comprised of kids aged 3 to 19, many of whom are suffering from life-threatening illnesses and one of whom is going blind.

Their message to all of us?

Don’t let life’s obstacles stop you.

And a second message?

We must continue to fund the arts.

While it’s tempting to cut back on the arts during our current economic challenges, let’s remember that FDR made sure to include the Federal Art Project in his New Deal during the Great Depression. And it was this program that resulted in the creation of many of the significant pieces of public art that we now enjoy around the country.

Plus we shouldn’t forget that when President Lyndon Johnson signed the act creating the National Endowment for the Arts, the act stated:

For it is in our works of art that we reveal to ourselves, and to others, the inner vision which guides us as a nation. And where there is no vision, the people perish.

So I encourage you to view the Silhouettes video if you haven’t yet enjoyed this particular form of art.

And if you find yourself inspired by the group’s creative expression, you may want to grab a silhouette all your own.

Today’s VPOD features a real beauty. This c.1900 antique celluloid necklace is loaded with incredible details.

And it’s a striking silhouette for a Vintage Crusader.

Available at Got Lucky Vintage.

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© Mary Kincaid 2006-2009