VPOD: Vintage 1950s Hermes Scarf and The Case for Cursive

vintage 1950s hermes scarf

Most of us already in the work force have vivid memories of practicing cursive handwriting back in elementary school. But love it or hate it, 80% of the states are now phasing it out of the public school curriculum.

What’s replacing it?

Keyboarding skills.

Now as someone who spends hours a day at her computer, I can certainly appreciate the need for students to be able to type quickly and accurately. So why does it sadden me so much to learn cursive may be headed for extinction?

Perhaps because cursive handwriting gives us one more way to express our individuality and creativity on a daily basis.

After all, even though we were all taught the same “rules” for cursive handwriting, each of us somehow managed to add our own twist so that our handwriting is distinctly and uniquely ours.

Somehow choosing a favorite font on the computer just doesn’t have the same charm.

Plus, with its twisty loops and curves, cursive adds a much needed bit of elegance to our lives. And there’s no denying that it’s waaaaay faster than printing when you need to take notes.

So as I gaze at today’s VPOD, a vintage 1950s Hermes scarf with lettering that brings back fond memories of Mrs. Chamberlain drilling us on penmanship at Poplar Street Elementary School, I’m grateful to be a member of the generation that learned this soon-to-be-ancient art.

It’s just one more tool that you can use to express your style when you’re a Vintage Crusader!

Available at Luxury-Scarves.com.

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© Mary Kincaid 2006-2009