VPOD: Vintage 1970s Cobra Necklace and Shedding Your Skin

vintage 1970s cobra pendant necklace

shiva statue bangalore

Shiva is one of three major gods in the Hindu religion and his role is Destroyer of the Universe (but only so the universe can be recreated).

When he’s depicted as a man, he’s usually shown holding a trident, with three stripes of ash across his forehead to hide his third eye, and a cobra around his neck.

The cobra, which is able to shed its skin, represents Shiva’s powers of destruction and regeneration.

But snakes aren’t the only creatures capable of shedding their skin. We humans can metaphorically shed our skin, too.

Interestingly, snakes that are about to shed their skin are said to be “in the blue,” and it’s often that itchy feeling of having it all but still feeling unsatisfied or of being lost and needing to “find yourself” that are primary clues that it may be time to shed some skin of your own.

You may need to shed something tangible — a job you hate, a person who creates more pain than joy in your life, a miserable roommate — or you may need to shed something intangible — a bad habit, your constant need to be right, or an incorrect belief that’s holding you back.

But it won’t be easy. And it will take some time.

If you’ve ever witnessed a snake shedding it’s skin, you know that you can expect to be uncomfortable and writhing around and expending a lot of effort while the destructive part of the process is occurring. But, just as a snake slithers away afterward with glistening skin and newfound freedom, you’ll find yourself glowing and liberated when you’ve completed your hard work of shedding, too.

And that’s when the regeneration phase begins and the real magic can happen!

You see, the wonderful thing about being human is that we are all like Shiva.

We’re all born with the power to destroy and rebuild our lives in ways that better serve us and humanity.

We can all become exactly who we wish to be instead of being the person others compel us to be.

And one way to remind yourself of this incredible ability, which makes you just as powerful as Shiva, is to wear a beautiful vintage cobra necklace occasionally.

Today’s VPOD would be one fine choice. This vintage 1970s enamel necklace features a mosaic of bright colors and hypnotizing rhinestone eyes.

It’s a stylish and empowering reminder for an aware Vintage Crusader!

Available at Frock NYC.

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