Vintage Bathing Beauties – What a Bunch of Skinny Minnys

vintage bathing beauties vogue illustration

If you thought our preoccupation with skinny models was a 21st century obsession, think again.

Just check out this gorgeous illustration of a lovely bevy of bathing beauties, the kind of gals my mom would have labeled as “Skinny Minnys.”

It hails from the January 1, 1935 issue of Vogue!

Don’t you wonder what these ladies would think about our current national obsession with weight and the triple threats of obesity, anorexia and bulimia?

Somehow I don’t think they’d understand why MacDonald’s recenly announced it’s “reformulating” Happy Meals. (“What’s a Happy Meal?” you can almost hear them murmur to each other).

Nor do I think they’d appreciate that Walmart is stepping up and opening stores in 300 “food deserts” so more Americans have access to fresh produce. (“Is there any other kind?” they might ask.)

But they do seem to illustrate their 75-year-old understanding of two very important factors to living a healthy and happy lifestyle.

1. Enjoy the Get Outdoors.

Mother Nature feeds us a magic elixir in all her sunshine and all those breezes. But to get the proper dose of her medicine you have to spend time with her in natural wonders like lakes, beaches, mountains and parks.

2. Surround yourself with some good girlfriends.

Notice I said GOOD girlfriends. Not the catty ones. Not the ones who get all weird and jealous when something good happens for you. Not the kind who try to steal your boyfriend or your husband. Not the ones who constantly need something from you but always seem too busy or too tired or too…something….to lend help or support to you.

No, grab yourself a posse of solid, loyal, good ol’ girls who can cheer you on, lift you up and make you feel better just by spending time with them.

Then pack a healthy picnic lunch, slather on the sunscreen and head to the beach or pool to hang out and enjoy the last few days of July!

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© Mary Kincaid 2006-2009