VPOD: How to Use Vintage Buttons

vintage celluloid buttons

During a quick pop-in to my favorite thrift store yesterday, I discovered a fabulous 1960s boucle coat missing all of its buttons. Not that a Vintage Crusader would ever let a minor little thing like that stop her, right? Why that’s just a golden invitation to really make that coat your own!

All it takes is a little trip into cyberspace, where thousands and thousands of gorgeous vintage buttons await you.

Will you opt for traditional plastic or go more organic with wood? Do you want to dress it up with rhinestones or glass or are you feeling more playful and whimsical this season?

Don’t worry if you can’t make up your mind. Remember, you can easily change the look in an afternoon with only a needle and thread.

And don’t stop at just adding vintage buttons where there aren’t buttons already.

Try switching out the plain ol’ boring buttons on some of your current pieces with unique one-of-a-kind vintage buttons and see what happens. They have a magical way of making an outfit look so much more expensive.

Or play mix-and-match. After all, who says all the buttons on a cardigan sweater or blazer have to be the same?

Take a cue from jewelry designers and turn your favorite pair of vintage buttons into a pair of earrings or a barrette.

Or take them to a shoemaker and have him attach them to your favorite pair of sandals or flats.

Maybe you’ll want to add a row of tiny vintage fabric buttons across one shoulder of a pullover sweater. Or put three vintage buttons on each sleeve of a simple solid-colored long-sleeved dress.

Once you put buttons on your brain, there’s no limit to how you’ll use them!

And don’t be surprised if you start thinking outside the button box like this and suddenly catch vintage Button Fever. If you do, just join the National Button Society which already has over 3,000 members on four continents.

Now certainly you can search for all these vintage buttons one by one, but today’s VPOD features a pre-mixed lot of vintage celluloid buttons just perfect for adding to your Fall sweaters.

They’re a fine way to button up for a vintage fashionista!

Available at Butterfly Buttons.

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© Mary Kincaid 2006-2009