VPOD: Vintage Snake Wool Dress

vintage snake wool mini dress

vintage snake wool mini dress

Ophidiophobia is the fear of snakes and it’s one of the ten most common fears among humans. But, according to the Journal of Genetic Psychology, Volume 28:

“…probably not one person in ten in America has ever seen a poisonous snake in its natural habitat and snake bites do not cause one-thousandth of one percent of our death rate.”

In other words, there are waaaaay more dangerous things that we should all be afraid of.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Tell that to my brain, but just show me a picture of a snake and immediately my heart will start racing and my legs will be itching to take off faster than they’ve ever run before.

That’s because research at several top universities confirms that we have an evolutionary bias to be afraid of of things that have posed a threat to humans throughout history.

And one way to overcome this fear can be with what is called Systematic Desensitization.

By first imagining the least fearful situation you can think of and working your way up to the most fearful situation you can think of, you can eventually manage your fear and anxiety to a point where you will actually be able to confront your fear in real life head-on.

And I find this to be the perfect excuse to surround myself with desensitizing vintage snake accessories and clothing like today’s VPOD.

While there’s no way I’d drape a real live hissing squirming snake around my shoulders, wearing this vintage wool snake dress would be No Problemo.

It’s a fabulous find for a snake-fearing vintage fashionista!

Available at So Loves Vintage.

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