VPOD: Vintage 1990s Moschino Fruit Print Dress

vintage moschino fruit print dress

Way back in 1931, Lew Brown and Ray Henderson wrote a song called “Life is Just a Bowl of Cherries” with lyrics that preached:

Life is just a bowl of cherries
Don’t make it serious.
Life’s too mysterious.

But there’s no denying that there are some serious things happening in our world right now!

From uprisings on the other side of the globe to devastating storm destruction here at home, sometimes life seems nothing like a bowl of cherries. And one might wonder if there’s any underlying meaning behind it all (although I’d like to point out that the End of the World didn’t exactly happen at the date and time predicted last week).

But the lyrics also remind us:

The sweet things in life
To you were just loaned
So how can you lose what you’ve never owned?

Small consolation to those good folks grieving over their losses from the mighty tornadoes. But a good lesson for those of us waking up today with roofs over our heads.

Maybe we should all try thinking of ourselves not as the owners of anything, but as stewards of everything!

Can you imagine the mindshift this might cause?

You would realize that anything and everything has only been placed in your care for a limited amount of time. It would change how you handle objects and how you treat people. And it would help you understand that even the little things — like turning off the water when you brush your teeth, for instance — can and does make a difference in the world.

But good ol’ Lew Brown and Ray Henderson weren’t done yet. They still had one more observation to share:

You work, you save, you worry so,
But you can’t take your dough when you go, go, go.

Which means that each of us should enjoy every day, every moment, every item to its fullest while we have the opportunity, and that includes today’s VPOD.

Fashion often takes its cues from interior design (and vice versa) and right now fruit prints are everywhere — on sheets, wallpaper, and all types of housewares. They’ve also cropped up in fashion which is serving a veritable fruit salad of delights from the likes of Prada and Stella McCartney.

Grab your own juicy fun with this vintage 1990s dress by Moschino that combines whimsical polka dots with bold fruit appliques of watermelon, cherries, lemon and orange.

It’s a sweet summer find for a vintage fashionista!

Available at Claire Inc.

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