VPOD: Vintage 1940s Crab Moonstone Pin and Feeling Crabby

vintage 1940s crab moonstone pin

vintage 1940s crab moonstone pin

Feeling crabby? Not me. Not today. The sun is shining and I’m heading home to visit family tomorrow. But like you, I’ve been known to wake up on the wrong side of the bed occasionally. And if you’re not careful and nip it in the bud that crabby feeling can last all day.

But what’s so great is that we get to control our moods. That’s right. YOU are in charge of your moods.

Look, you can’t control the weather. You can’t control  control interest rates. You can’t control if he’ll love you back. But you can control how you feel at any moment.

Wanna feel crabby all day? Go ahead. But life’s a lot more fun when you’re looking at glasses that are half full. So try these quick mood enhancers the next time you’re in a crabby mood:

* Smile and Laugh. Yep, studies show that changing your expression can change your mood and research has also shown that when you laugh, your body releases neurochemicals that improve your mood. (Four-year-olds smile and laugh about 400 times a day. The average adult?  Only about 14 times a day. Something to think about…)

* Listen to Music. Music can stimulate your brain waves and stimulate your body to produce serotonin, a neurotransmitter linked to mood. Plus singing at the top of your lungs when no one can hear you just feels good!

* Exercise. Move that body! You’ll breath deep, sweat out toxins and release endorphins like crazy.

* Cheer Up Someone Else. That’s right. Get out of your own head and make it about someone else. Compliment someone. Thank someone. Let the frazzled mother with three kids and only one item go in front of you at the checkout. Tell that kid in the army uniform that you appreciate his service. It’s hard to stay crabby and irritable when you spread good cheer.

Plus the only time crabby is beautiful is if it looks likes today’s VPOD.

This vintage 1940s crab pin, with its moonstone belly and rhinestones, is featured in Warman’s Costume Jewelry Figurals.

It’s a chic crustacean for a both crabby and not-so-crabby vintage fashionistas!

Available at Decatique Studios.

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© Mary Kincaid 2006-2009