VPOD: Vintage 1980s Bill Blass Ruffle Swimsuit

vintage 1980s bill blass ruffle swimsuit

Abercrombie & Fitch stirred up a frenzy this week by offering padded swimwear tops for tweens at their Abercrombie Kids stores.

And in my completely unscientific discussions with mothers recently about this issue, I discovered there are passionate arguments on both sides.

In one corner are moms who believe the idea is totally ridiculous and an attempt to sexualize girls at an even younger age. They’re raging with emotion.

In the other corner are moms who recognize that some girls develop earlier than others and insist that this type of padding can actually make their daughters feel less self-conscious about their changing bodies. They’re so over all the fuss.

And interestingly, one mom pointed out that Sears and Justice have offered padded bikini tops to girls for a few years now without any of this uproar.

Look, I’m all about raising girls to have healthy body images and strong self-esteem. For me, that means regardless of whether a young girl is wearing a padded bikini top or an unpadded bikini top, whether she’s in a tankini or maillot or heck, even skinnydipping, she understands that she is more than her body.

She isn’t ashamed of her body but she also isn’t flaunting or using her body in any way other than to inwardly celebrate the fact that this miracle machine allows her to breathe and walk and play and live life to the fullest each and every day.

She recognizes her body is something to be cared for and respected and honored and that other people’s opinions about her clothing choices are less important than how her own clothing choices make her feel and act.

And now that I have that off my unpadded chest, please let me know your opinion below and then take a look at today’s VPOD.

This vintage 1980s never-worn swimsuit by Bill Blass has a playful, sassy, youthful appeal but it’s strictly for grown-up gals who happen to be feeling a little cha-cha-cha.

What a pretty little find for a vintage fashionista!

Available at Posh Vintage.

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