VPOD: Vintage 1970s Silk Chiffon Tangerine Evening Gown

vintage 1970s tangerine silk chiffon evening gown

I’m a huge orange fanatic — the round, juicy kind of orange, that is. So I’m a bit sad because the peak season for oranges is coming to an end.

That just means, though, that I’ll have to be more selective when choosing at the Farmer’s Market each week. After all, not all oranges are alike.

Thin-skinned oranges are juicer than the ones with thick skins and medium-sized oranges are sweeter than their smaller and larger cousins. And surprisingly, the actual orange color of the orange says little about its quality. In fact, because oranges can “regreen” when there are blossoms on an orange tree at the same time as fruit, sometimes an orange that’s tinged green will be the sweetest orange of all!

Luckily, orange is enjoying a sweet moment in fashion, too. And with bright colors the name of the game this spring, you just can’t beat the mouthwatering hues of mango, tangerine, and carrot.

I just love this quote by Wassily Kandinsky:

“Orange is red brought nearer to humanity by yellow.”

Plus we know orange shades whet the appetite. Take today’s VPOD for instance.

This vintage 1970s silk chiffon evening gown will have the crowd drooling even before you add on your knock’em-dead accessories.

It’s a chic citrus find for a vintage fashionista!

Available at Mill Crest Vintage. | Discovered at TheFind.com.

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