VPOD: Vintage 1990s Todd Oldham Leopard Print Boots

vintage 1990s todd oldham leopard print boots

amur leopard

According to ISEC, the International Society for Endangered Cats, the Amur Leopard is the most critically endangered wild cat whose numbers are known. Now take a guess how many of these beautiful creatures remain in the wild today. Go ahead, guess.

Not 5,000.

Not 500.

Not even 50!

In 2007, which are the last census figures stated, only somewhere between 25 and 34 of these spotted cats were still roaming their natural habitat in a small area south of the Far East-Primorskii region of Russia.

Does anyone else find it alarming and disturbing that while we women are clamoring for the faux leopard-prints that are so trendy for fall, a few dozen Amur leopards are literally hanging on for dear life, facing extinction of their species?

While I’m not suggesting that anyone should necessarily shun wearing a gorgeous leopard print like the one adorning today’s VPOD on a pair of 1990s Todd Oldham boots, I would like to suggest that when we don our leopard-print scarves and dresses and skirts this fall that we remember (and perhaps support) ongoing conservation efforts by organizations like ISEC to keep all endangered wild cats alive and well.

That’s how you become an eco-conscious vintage fashionista!

Available at Frockology.

Image Credit: ISEC

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