VPOD: Vintage 1960s Christian Dior Statement Necklace

vintage 1960s Christian Dior Statement Necklace

It’s the first week of school for many students and that got me thinking about some of my old teachers.

Mr. Tarone, if you’re out there, just let me say that while I remember very little of your 7th grade geometry class, I do remember that each of the circles in today’s VPOD has a diameter that is twice its radius and that I can find that diameter by dividing the circumference of each ring by pi.

And while I can honestly say I never needed to calculate the circumference of a circle outside of your class, all the proofs that I toiled over in your homework assignments did somehow instill a love and appreciation for shape, symmetry and order that has served me quite well over here in the fashion world.

Perhaps that’s why I’m mesmerized by this vintage 1960s necklace by Christian Dior. It’s a geometric marvel with its circles, spheres and perpendicular lines.

And it’s a very chic find for a vintage fashionista!

Available at Atelier-Mayer.

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3 Responses to VPOD: Vintage 1960s Christian Dior Statement Necklace
  1. Effie.B
    September 3, 2010 | 3:01 am

    Such a funky necklace.

  2. katie Kirby
    September 2, 2010 | 6:19 am

    That necklace is exquisite!

  3. Timeless Collection
    August 31, 2010 | 2:22 am

    err WOW! that necklace is certainly quite a statement! beautiful. I’m with you on the maths too, although I haven’t used much since school, it can be beautiful in a sense. In fact here in the UK you can do an arts degree in Mathematics now!

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