Category Archives: Military

VPOD: Vintage North Beach Military Jacket and Military Families Week

vintage 1980s north beach leather military jacket

Back in the seventh grade, I remember being the only person in my class who could correctly spell and define epaulettes. I remember this so clearly because it was the same day that W.B. first noticed me and spontaneously invited me to the Spring Dance.

And while you’d think that a girl who knew her epaulettes would somehow recognize that a career in fashion was in her future, this girl somehow ended up taking a decade-long detour as a CPA!

How could that happen, you wonder?

Well, I blame it on W.B.! His raging male pheromones kept wafting in my direction somehow boggling my brain into thinking CPA instead of FIT.

Lucky for all of us, though, W.B. felt no such distractions from my own feminine wiles. He was hell-bent on becoming an Air Force pilot and today this genius lad is a Colonel developing military strategy with the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon.

And let me tell you, we can all sleep a little easier at night knowing someone of his caliber is willing to devote his life’s work to keeping American safe.

Now I haven’t seen W.B. since graduation, but I hear he has a lovely family of his own. That’s why I was thrilled to learn that today Michelle Obama and Jill Biden will announce a new program called Joining Forces to focus attention on the needs of military families.

To support their effort, The AOL Huffington Post Media Group is declaring this Military Families week. They’ll be running lots of stories to honor and assist military families but while sections like Education, Living, Tech and Health were participating, I saw no mention of the Style section joining the fun.

So since I stand in awe, with both honor and humility, before the men and women who sacrifice so much (voluntarily!) in service to our country, let me take this opportunity to mention some of the non-profits that make it easy for each of us to give back and support our military families. I’m talking about programs like Cell Phones for Soldiers, Operation Shower, Hire Heroes USA, and Wounded Warriors.

And while I feel strongly that we should all show respect and honor to our men and women in uniform, and give them support however we are able, after doing so you may be inspired to adopt a stylish military look all your own.

So take a look at today’s VPOD.

This vintage North Beach Leather military-style jacket is new old stock and gives the traditional military look a twist with bright green suede.

It’s a military marvel for a vintage fashionista!

Available at Bustown Modern.

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© Mary Kincaid 2006-2009