VPOD: Vintage 1960s Apple Print Dress & The Dirty Dozen

vintage 1960s apple print dress 1

vintage 1960s apple print dress

The Dirty Dozen has a new leader this year.  It seems the apple has replaced celery as the most pesticide-contaminated fruit or vegetable on the Environmental Work Group’s now-famous Watch List.

And considering the USDA’s new My Plate replacement to the food pyramid recommends filling at least half our plates with fruits and vegetables every day, it would be wise to keep this Dirty Dozen list handy.

After all, the list is compiled from data collected by the US Department of Agriculture from fruit and vegetable samples that have already been washed and peeled yet their studies show that eating just five servings of the fruits and vegetables on this list would expose you to 14 pesticides!

So who are the culprits that make up the Dirty Dozen?

That would be apples, celery, strawberries, peaches, spinach, nectarines, imported grapes, sweet bell peppers, potatoes, domestic blueberries, lettuce and kale.

And while choosing certified organic versions of these items would certainly be a good idea, I think that with rising food costs across the country, simply encouraging the addition of ANY more fruits and vegetables to a family’s diet is still far more important than encouraging the purchase of higher-priced organic produce.

Yes, an apple a day to keep the doctor away is still good advice…just be sure to wash that apple thoroughly before enjoying it! (And by the way, researchers at Tennessee State University tested diluted vinegar solutions against more expensive veggie washes and found it just as effective.)

So get your fruits and veggies however you can. You may even be inspired to add a few to your closet.

Today’s VPOD is a vintage 1960s secretary dress that at first glance looks polka-dotted but upon closer inspection reveals itself to be apple-dotted!

It’s a fruity little find for a vintage fashionista!

Available at Old Age Vintage.


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