VPOD: Vintage 1990s Lace-Up Suede Boots

vintage 1990s lace-up suede boots 2

vintage 1990s lace-up suede boots 2

vintage 1990s lace-up suede boots

I remember a teacher from junior high always reminding us that “Health is Wealth.” And the older I get the more I appreciate how true this is.

But while I exercise, eat right, wear sunscreen, meditate, and pretty much do everything I can to stay healthy, my one vice is high heels.

Oh, I’m aware of the dangers. A recent study from Iowa State University just confirmed with sensors, accelerometers, and force platforms that yes, indeed, high heels change the way we walk and alter our body posture in a way that puts strain on our ankles, knees, hips and lower backs. Make no mistake. Prolonged wearing of high heels can contribute to joint degeneration and knee osteoarthritis.

But interestingly, one part of the study focusing on impact and heel height showed that the peak impact came at two inches and that wearing higher heels actually had the same impact as wearing flats!

And that’s just the excuse I’d need to snag today’s VPOD.

These 1990s blue suede platform boots from Barney’s NY have sexy laces and an oh-so-perfect three-inch heel.

They’re a perfect find for a shoe-lovin’ vintage fashionista!

Available at Santoki Vintage.

Source: Iowa State University (2010, August 2). High heels may lead to joint degeneration and knee osteoarthritis, study finds. ScienceDaily. Retrieved September 16, 2010, from https://www.sciencedaily.com­ /releases/2010/08/100802141901.htm

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