VPOD: Vintage 1950s Evening Coat

vintage 1950s evening coat 3

vintage 1950s evening coat 2 Vintage 1950s Evening Coat

Boy, have times changed! I’m on my way to a business lunch in white jeans and a vintage silk tank and necklace. But I remember when I started my business career in the early 1980s. Back then I attended any lunch in a suit, panty hose and closed-toe shoes. Not because I wanted to. Oh no, no, no, Because I was required to. Don’t you love progress?

Of course, I do realize that I reside in Los Angeles, the casual capital of the world. Jeans rule out here which is just one reason why I adore today’s VPOD.

This vintage 1950s evening coat has a fantastic Persian-themed print and is quite luxurious with its taffeta lining and touches of bronze. Pair it with jeans and heels and it’s just the right amount of “dress-up” after the sun goes down.

And as an added bonus, it’s an unlabeled gem. Thanks to its lack of a designer label, you get what looks like a designer piece for about half what you’d expect to pay.

That makes this beauty an extra-exciting find for a vintage fashionista!

Available at Palm Beach Vintage.
Discovered at TheFind.com.

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