VPOD: Vintage 1970s Diane von Fabulous Dress

Be sure to check out February’s edition of Town & Country magazine for a fabulous profile of design legend Diane von Furstenberg. What an inspiration!

She enjoys an unconventional marriage with her husband, Barry Diller, living separately from him during the week. She’s built a hugely successful fashion business not once, but twice. And she’s been both a princess and a cancer survivor. What a story. What a woman!

And on top of it all, she looks absolutely fantastic at 62-years-young and isn’t afraid to embrace her wrinkles. “Every wrinkle is a souvenir,” she’s quoted as saying. “Its a moment I lived. I don’t want to erase any of the moments I’ve lived.”

Ironically, she works tirelessly to fight piracy and counterfeiting and her iconic wrap dresses are often culprits of these crimes. To protect yourself, be sure to read this informative guide on how to spot a fake DVF.

Or just grab today’s VPOD. This authentic 1970s Diane von Furstenberg frock hugs all your curves in all the right places. Once you slip into one of these dresses, you’ll understand why so many women consider her a genius.

It’s a Diane von Fabulous find for a vintage fashionista!

Available at Posh Vintage.

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