VPOD: Vintage 1980s Zandra Rhodes Cocktail Dress

If I tried to convince you to wear a 1980s strapless, ruched and ruffled, gold-printed mini dress for New Years Eve, you might picture some horribly garish tasteless number. I mean just the thought of all those words in one sentence is a bit scary yet alone the thought of putting them all together in one garment. But if I then told you the designer was Zandra Rhodes, well, you’d sigh with relief, right?

Just look at today’s VPOD to see what she’s done with this little combination. Here we have a 1980s strapless, ruched and ruffled, gold-printed mini dress that a gal would be more than happy to wear–even out in public.

It’s a head-turning find for a vintage fashionista!

Available at Woodland Farms Antiques.

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One Response to VPOD: Vintage 1980s Zandra Rhodes Cocktail Dress
  1. Belle de Ville
    December 31, 2008 | 12:11 pm

    Super Elegant….I would wear this dress to any cocktail party.

© Mary Kincaid 2006-2009