VPOD: Rhodes Scholar

Shakespeare’s Juliet says “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose / By any other name would smell as sweet.”

Tell that to the men and women who are pouring over the latest lists of popular baby names and deciding what to name their soon-to-arrive bundles of joy!

These days, of course, celebrities have made it fashionable to choose unusual baby names. But this wasn’t the case back in 1940 when Zandra Rhodes was born. Her brave mother, at a time when Mary, Betty, Dorothy, Helen or Barbara would have been the norm, decided to spell her little girl’s name with a “Z” rather than an “S.” So Sandra became Zandra and grew up to become a famed textile designer with both a very distinctive style and a very distinctive name.

Today’s VPOD features one of her 1980 designs. This lovely dress has a feminine pleated ruffled neckline and a satin shoestring belt with a subtle baby blue and pink print on black silk crepe that shows off Zandra’s signature for all to see.

It’s a classy little frock for a vintage fashionista!

Available at Enoki World.

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