VPOD Special Edition: Glamlist.com

Do you wear vintage clothing exclusively? Everyday? Probably not. I’m a vintage maniac and I certainly don’t! But I do know lots of women who are masters at mixing vintage pieces with contemporary styles to create their own unique look. And for me, that’s what fashion is all about–expressing your mood and personality in a unique way that shouts Y-O-U loud and clear.

Of course, you’d like to do this while still having enough money to pay the rent on the 1st of the month, so you look for opportunities to buy quality clothes at bargain prices. That’s why today’s VPOD features Glamlist.com. This new website launches today as the first private fashion club in North America. And I do mean private–in order to take advantage of its goodies, you must be referred by a member.

It’s a great concept…fashion buyers carefully choose items from all over the fashion planet to provide you with an edited collection of items from sought after designers at attactive prices. (We’re talking 40% to 70% discounts!). The work is done for you and it’s not overwhelming. Each sale lasts a few days and then it’s over.

Plus sprinkled among the trendy brands are smaller, boutique labels that you might not recognize. For instance, coming up are collections by Eve Gravel and Anastasia Lomonova. They’re exciting Canadian designers with unique pieces, many of which might never make it into your hometown shopping mecca.

For a short time, Glamlist.com is allowing me to refer my readers to the club. If you’d like to check it out, it’s absolutely free. Just click here and enter [email protected] as the Trusted Member’s email.

It’s a new way to buy contemporary fashion for vintage fashionistas!

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