VPOD: Vintage 1960s Bill Blass Chiffon Dress

Today’s dress is just a little reminder that Spring is right around the corner. I know, I know, the first day of winter is still almost three weeks away but so are all the temptations of the holiday season: eggnog, cocktails, Aunt Betty’s famous I-only-make-them-only-once-a-year-cookies, plates of candy and nut bread and yes, even fruit cake.

You might find it helpful to hang a little something like today’s VPOD within eye distance of your closet to motivate you to NOT skip your spinning class in favor of more shopping time at the mall. And to remind you that thighs and upper arms will be uncovered again in a few short months.

Of course, something as pretty as today’s VPOD will also lift your spirits during the dreary, overcast days that arrive so often this time of year. And leave it to Bill Blass to recognize that while we women might like the pizzazz and punch of psychedelic prints, we much prefer them in ladylike sorbet colors like those used on this sleeveless chiffon dress.

It’s a blissful Blass find for a vintage fashionista!

Available at Circa Vintage.

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