VPOD: Vintage Hermes Golf Scarf

vintage late 70s early 80s golf scarf

hermes scarf ad

You know that feeling you get when you’re cleaning out your closet and you know you should get rid of something but you’re afraid that you just might need it one day?

Well, I have that same feeling with paper and information.

I admit it. I’m a Clippaholic.

I save snippets of text, quotes, pictures, ads, articles, recipes. You name it. I save it.

But until this past year I had no easy way of organizing and retrieving all this good stuff when I actually needed it. While I had good intentions to rip or clip and then neatly keep things in organized files, the end result was more like disorganized piles. I’m spent many an hour in retrieval mode mumbling “I know it’s here somewhere!”

Then I met my new best friend, Evernote.

This handy-dandy guy goes everywhere with me since he hangs out on my desktop, my laptop and in an app on my iPhone. And he helps me to remember EVERYTHING.

I just give Evernote a to-do, or scan him a magazine clipping, or ask him to remember a webpage, or print him an online receipt, or feed him that note I scribbled on the back of a napkin — anything really since there seems to be nothing he can’t remember!

Evernote gobbles them all up and then crosses-his-heart-and-hopes-to-die PROMISES that he’ll easily help me find whatever I need later when I actually need it.

And this guy Evernote is a search maniac. While he certainly likes it when I take the time to tag the stuff I’m asking him to remember, he can get the job done even when I don’t. In fact, if I treat him right he’ll even work his magic so I can find my search term in an image file!

That’s how I happened upon this Hermes ad I had passed off to Evernote somewhere in the distant past. Evernote caught that “Hermes” up on the corner of the page and he graciously (and quickly) served up the inspiration for today’s VPOD.

Now a quick glance at this ad and you’ll want to a) grow your hair long so you can wear a braided pigtail again, b) start planning a vacation to St. Bart’s or c) Google “vintage hermes scarf” so you can recreate your own version of this summer fun.

I chose Option C and my Googling quickly turned up today’s VPOD.

This vintage Hermes beauty hails from the late 70s-early 80s and features a golf motif in shocking pinks. You can choose to tie it in your hair. Or wrap it around your neck, wrist or waist. Or dangle it from a golf bag.

Any one would be a fine choice for a vintage fashionista!

Available at My Vintage Clothes Line. | Discovered at TheFind.com.

P.S. This isn’t a paid endorsement for Evernote. I’m just thrilled with how this application how streamlined my life and wanted to share. Check it out if you’re drowning in paper. It’s a lifesaver.

(To receive the VPOD via email along with detailed size, price and purchase information, sign up for my growing email mailing list here. Your information will never be sold or shared and you can easily unsubscribe at any time.)

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© Mary Kincaid 2006-2009