VPOD: Vintage Art Deco Plastic and Metal Belt and Thoughts on Style

vintage art deco plastic and metal belt 2

vintage art deco plastic and metal belt

So when you hear the word STYLE do you think of a noun or a verb?

Because, interestingly, style refers to both, right?

I mean, there’s style as in “She’s got style” and there’s style as in “Who will Rachel Zoe style for the Oscars?”

So style is both something you possess and the process you go through to get it.

Sounds a little chicken and egg to me.

I mean, what comes first?  Is anyone really born with style?

Does anyone come out of the womb automatically knowing how to match prints or instinctively put together disparate pieces in a way that creates a cohesive organized look all their own?


I believe you learn the process of style over time by paging through years of fashion magazines, by paying attention to men and women who catch your eye and letting their style sense infuse you, by developing your own eye for good design aesthetics, and by trying, testing, combining, re-combining, experimenting, and yes, sometimes even failing, until eventually you earn the moniker stylish.

I read an article about famed designer Marcel Wanders recently. In it, he told the story of how he used to put a blanket down in the middle of his room and just put things on it, trying to create a harmonious arrangement of objects.

He did this two or three hours a day for about nine months!

No one ever saw him do it. He never shared these compositions. But he now admits that this was one of the ways he studied to become a great designer.

So I guess what I’m saying is that I believe you have to get through the verb style before you can arrive at the noun style.

You may need to try on different personas, test out different looks, experiment and perhaps even shock a few people before you can easily settle into the style that is authentically you.

And to do all this styling, you’re gonna need a few accessories.

Jewelry, scarves, hats and belts are the finishing touches that allow you to pepper each and every outfit with the authentic style you worked so hard to cultivate. So take a look at today’s VPOD.

This vintage art deco belt features decorative floral metal pieces overlaid on plastic.

And it’s a perfect style find for a vintage fashionista.

Available at Decatique Studios.

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