VPOD: Vintage Paganne Print Maxi Dress and Lynn Dell

vintage paganne black and white print jersey maxi dress

lynn dell fashionista

Think of your style icons. Now ask yourself: do you admire their style or do you admire their stylist’s style?

As more and more celebrities rent their personal style from stylists by the hour or on retainer, it becomes harder and harder to know where someone’s authentic style ends and their stylist’s style begins.

Or take Portia de Rossi, who admits in her book, Unbearable Lightness, that she once “chose” a dress for the red carpet simply because it was the only free dress sent over that fit.

That is not personal style. (Although it’s a pretty common occurrence in Hollywood.)

That’s why I much prefer to take my style cues from authentic fashionistas like Lynn Dell. This 78-year-young style maven is a true inspiration for fashion lovers of any age — and I’d bet a Birkin that she’s never considered employing a stylist. Recently profiled by Ari Cohen on HuffPo, she spouts fashion wisdom like:

“Dress for the theater of your life!”

“Money has nothing to do with style!”

And my personal favorite:

“Fashion says “Me,too!” while Style says “Only me!”

Plus, she admits that her style has become bolder through the years. Which, I think, is a natural result of just knowing yourself better and trusting yourself more.

So if you want to take some cues from this style hero, load up on scarves, hats and jewelry, and don’t be afraid to don a bold black-and-white print like today’s VPOD.

This vintage Paganne maxi dress is far from demure.

Which makes it a noticeable and stylish find for a vintage fashionista!

Available at Shop the Third Floor.

Image Credit: Ari Cohen

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