VPOD: Vote for Zuburbia at the Fabbies!

For the first time ever, fashion & lifestyle bloggers are acknowledging their own with the blogger-created and organized awards dubbed THE FABBIES.

I’m proud to announce that ZUBURBIA has been nominated in the INDIE & NICHE Category for its excellence & outstanding quality. There are 12 categories in all, with blogs nominated from around the world, that showcase the impressive breadth and depth of the Fashion & Lifestyle blogosphere.

With the nominations completed, it’s now up to the readers to vote for their favorite blog in each category. Voting was scheduled to start today but the Fabbies site seems to have caught a bug. Don’t worry. It will be up and running just fine in a few days and then you’ll have until the end of April to cast your ballot. Winners will be announced during New York Fashion Week in September.

I’ll give everyone a heads-up when it’s time to vote. In the meantime, I just wanted to share the good news and send out a great big THANK YOU to all my readers.

By spreading the word and sharing ZUBURBIA with your friends, you’re helping to make 2008 the Year of the Vintage Fashionista!

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© Mary Kincaid 2006-2009