VPOD: Vintage 1970s Hobe Multi-Stone Nugget Ring

vintage 1970s hobe nugget ring

Unlike most fashion bloggers in America, I won’t be Monday morning quarterbacking all the gowns that walked the Oscar Red Carpet. Instead, I’d like to bring some attention to Joanna Zelman’s article on the Huffington Post celebrating the nominated environmentalists this year.

While many of you may be familiar with Natalie Portman’s eco-shoe line or may have noticed that four out of five of this year’s Oscar-nominated documentaries dealt with environmental issues, you might not know that…

…Colin Firth has two fair-trade cafes and an ecological store in Britian

…Mark Ruffalo has lobbied tirelessly to end fracking (a process to retrieve natural gas from shale)

Dark Swan, 127 Hours, and The Social Network all received EMA Green Seals for being environmentally friendly

I think a few moments of praise, perhaps even a round of applause for these green efforts should be sprinkled in among the heaps of criticism being thrown around this morning about the unmitigated disaster that was last night’s Oscar show.

It reminded me that when you try to please everyone, you end up pleasing no one.

If you’re going to create a mishmash then stick with jewelry, like today’s VPOD.

This vintage 1970s Hobe multi-stone nugget ring somehow captures the magic that turns chaos into beauty.

It’s a praise-worthy find for a vintage fashionista!

Available at V Vintage.

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