VPOD: Sweet Adele

Adele Simpson dedicated her career to “realistic” fashion–nothing avant garde or bizarre for her. Instead, she created pieces that were easily coordinated and that could move effortlessly from day to evening. Beautiful pieces like today’s VPOD.

This 1950s jacket is tres elegant, feminine and ladylike. Back in the 1950s, Adele Simpson’s pieces typically carried price tags of $100-$200 but with the 30% off Winter Clearance at today’s featured site, this remarkable quality garment can be yours for waaaay less than that.

It’s a beautiful bargain for a vintage fashionista!

Available at Woodland Farms Antiques.

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One Response to VPOD: Sweet Adele
  1. CherriesJubilee
    January 11, 2008 | 8:15 am

    That jacket is very femme fatale.I love it.Thank you for posting it.

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