VPOD: Mink It

Los Angeles had temperatures in the low 50s last week and already I saw people bundled up with their scarves and gloves and yes, even some wool coats. To someone who grew up near the Poconos and spent most of her adult life near Cleveland’s snow belt, it seems a bit odd. I mean, I’m used to winter temperatures in the 50s feeling like Spring and being a reason to take off the hats and scarves and coats!

But even out here, there are still a handful of days a year when I could find a reason to wear today’s VPOD. And as much as I love the weather on the West Coast, I envy those of you who could enjoy this one for weeks on end.

This 1960s coat by Golet has outstanding style. Thick, textured woven black cotton is offset with a luscious white mink collar and front panel. Then a little adjustable belt creates a built-in princess waist.

It’s a cold weather treat for a vintage fashionista!

Available at Timeless Vixen.

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One Response to VPOD: Mink It
  1. Tara Diane
    November 15, 2007 | 10:08 pm

    I’m definitely not a huge fan of fur, but that jacket is gorgeous 🙂

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