VPOD: Vintage Yves Saint Laurent Silk Print Dress

vintage ysl silk print dress

Think about it. They made STOP signs red and white for a reason, right? It’s obviously a color combination that grabs attention!

This can be useful to remember when you want to grab attention with your fashion, too. Our Pavlovian response to red-and-white makes it almost impossible not to stop and look at a gal wearing it well.

And while you can expect to see a whole bunch of red-and-white popping up through Valentine’s Day, this eye-catching color combo can be a powerful weapon in your wardrobe arsenal all year long.

Today’s VPOD, for instance, features a smashing vintage Yves Saint Laurent red-and-white print dress that can stop traffic in its tracks.

It’s a red-hot find for a vintage fashionista!

Available at WGACA Vintage. | Discovered at TheFind.com.

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