VPOD: Vintage 1970s Hermes Wild Horses Sweater

vintage 1970s hermes wild horses cardigan

According to www.wildhorsepreservation.org, during the 1800s, over 2 million wild horses roamed the United States although fewer than 25,000 still remain on our public lands. The organization reports that there are now more wild horses living in government pens than live in the wild, and of the few remaining herds, many have population levels that can’t guarantee their long-term survival. Still, round-ups of the wild horses continue which makes one wonder why.

To understand, requires a short history lesson.

In 1971, Congress unanimously passed the Wild Free-Roaming Horse and Burrow Act in response to an unprecedented public outcry. Congress received more letters over the threat to America’s wild horses than it had received for any other issue except the Vietnam War. And Congress listened to the people, granting federal protection to America’s wild horses and burrows.

Unfortunately, it’s further reported that during the past forty years, the Act has been largely ignored with no strategic plan to keep viable herds of wild horses on public lands. And if you find that upsetting, consider that in 2004 the Act was amended without a hearing or public review, to allow the sale of thousands of wild horses for human consumption abroad. Six states have now completely lost their entire population of wild horses and burros and the current removal policy costs taxpayers $60 million a year!

If you are feeling a sense of outrage reading about this issue, you can quickly and easily add you signature to the American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign’s petition here and perhaps even send off a quick email to your representatives in Congress. As the petition states: “Our national heritage does not belong on European dinner tables.”

And if you really take this issue to heart and want to prompt spontaneous conversations about it, you can easily do so in today’s VPOD. This vintage 1970s Hermes cardigan sweater beautifully depicts the majesty of America’s wild horses as they are meant to live.

It’s an awareness-raising find for a vintage fashionista!

Available from eBay.

CREDIT: All data and statistics reproduced for educational purposes only from www.wildhorsepreservation.org. | Used with permission.

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