VPOD: Vintage 1940s Hermes Blazer

vintage 1940s hermes blazer

vintage 1940s hermes blazer back viewvintage 1940s hermes blazer back view 2

The first thing that comes to mind when I hear Hermes is scarves and handbags, so if you had shown me a picture of today’s VPOD and asked me to name the label, well, Hermes wouldn’t be the first one to come to mind. But this vintage 1940s blazer does indeed bear an Hermes Sport label.

And while I initially thought that this blazer was adorable from the front, let’s just say that I squealed with delight when I spied what they did with the back. While I’m sure this unusual back cutaway was a practical design choice decades ago (that just served to make cycling or riding easier), today it’s simply a striking and pleasantly unexpected surprise.

Of course, if the near $3500 price tag keeps you from snagging this little beauty for yourself, I’m sure a skilled tailor could manage something similar with one of your old blazers for a mere smidgen of the cost. I think it’s a smashing upcycled vintage idea, don’t you?

And that makes it an inspiring find for a vintage fashionista!

Available at Vintage Academe.

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